
Metric – The most founder friendly finance app in the world!

Financial modeling

Introducing Net Profit Margin

Amidst many other newly added features aimed at enhancing the transparency of your business’s financial health, the Net Profit Margin Is a highlight. Think of it as your financial X-ray, unveiling the inner workings of your business’s fiscal well-being. This metric shows you the percentage of revenue that turns into pure profit after covering all […]

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Introducing Recurring Transactions: Simplify Your Monthly Payments

A significant chunk of the start of each month is consumed by the repetition of similar financial tasks. Whether it’s rent, salaries, investment dividends, or various service subscriptions, these regular transactions tend to monopolize your valuable time. But imagine the relief of automated monthly deposits, seamlessly integrated into your business journey. Once again, Metric is

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Introducing Founder Report

When you’re a business founder managing everything on your own, it can get hard to separate your personal finances from your business funds. You’ll be tallying everything at the end of the month and the numbers just won’t add up. Suddenly, you’ll get a flashback of when you used your personal account to handle a

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